IMM(Insert Multi Mesh Brushes)可以把元件庫中的數種物件結合到單一個筆刷上。把選的物件插入到你的模型上。只有一鍵就可把任何工具轉換成插入的筆刷。如果你的工具有數個SubTools,便會產生一個IMM(Insert Multi Mesh),讓你可以隨時選擇它任何的物件。
Tri Part Multi Mesh Brushes的進階插入筆刷功能,以PolyGroups來定義要繪製的物件模型。
"rawn out components"功能可完美的把這些Polygroups畫在其它模型表面上,這些功能設計都是在可編輯的形狀、曲線、尺寸與長度上任你隨時調整。
QRemesher Alpha
QRemesher Alpher可將你解放製作從複雜模型的重新拓樸,QRemesher可以自動或半自動清理你的拓樸,尤其Automasking和Curve guides可讓你完全控制重新拓樸。
Topology Brush
當你利用UVMaster把模型拆出UV貼圖後,想將模型匯入到其它3D軟體中,此時就必須重新拓樸你的模型,而想要精準的重新拓樸你的作品,Topology Brush提供你完整的控制。使用ZBrus4R4的全新的曲線引擎(Curve Engine)來即時繪製多邊形,在簡單的一鍵後便可以原本的模型表面上立即產生新的Polygons,並且可以控制Polygons的厚度。
Mesh Fusion
Grid System
建模的參考圖片現在可以套用在ZBrush Grids上。可讀取正視、側視與上視圖,讓你可輕易的建立出你的模型。這個功能可結合Shadow Box。而且同一個平面的正反面還可指定不同的圖片。此外,你的模型或是一個帶有貼圖的平面也可以投射在背景上,這樣可隨著攝影機一同轉動。
Slider讓你更容易瀏覽你的Undo History,你可以像是看電影一樣瀏覽你的製作過程。事實上,你可以利用History slider製作你的making of電影,利用可控制的攝影機移動,模型置中等功能來完成。這比起使用其它影片擷取軟體還來的更容易以及好玩。
TransPose Enhancements
TransPose提供了World axis(世界軸向)選擇,所你可以切換成任何的軸向設定,或是讓Action Line跟著你模型的surface normal上。此外,新的inflate和Flatten功能對Hard surface的雕塑也是很有用的。
- New preset brushes provide examples of how to take advantage of ZBrush 4R4's key features: Curve Strap, Curve Track, Insert types and more.
- Create Insert and Multi Mesh Insert brushes with a single click.
- Insert Brushes now use the brush Imbed setting to define the depth of the insertion.
- Insert Brushes now use the Z Intensity setting to apply a squash factor along the insertion normal.
- Projection Strength function conforms the inserted mesh to the underlying surface.
- Be recognized for your contributions! You can now provide your name and website info to a brush before exporting and sharing it with the community.
Tool and Geometry
- Maximum DynaMesh resolution has been increased to 2048.
- Mask Peaks and Valleys function detects portions of the mesh with the greatest detail density. This function is used internally by QRemesher but is also available for general use via the AutoMasking options.
- Quickly create a PolyGroup from a mask. This is especially useful with the new topology replacement features.
- New Cluster option for the Group Visible function controls the way its randomization will act.
- Grow All visibility function makes all the current mesh's polygons visible.
- Mesh to Brush function converts the mesh of an Insert Mesh brush to a new Tool.
- New topology cleaning tools: Merge Triangles and Weld Points.
- Mesh Extract gains two new controls: Corner Quad to Triangle and Thin Border.
- Merging different SubTools which are FiberMesh aware preserves the designation if they have the same number of vertices per fiber.
- The Group Visible function is now FiberMesh aware and uses the Coverage value to regroup the fibers.
- The Split Hidden and Group Split functions are now fiber aware.
- The Inflate deformer now has a reduced effect when used on a FiberMesh.
- New Vibrant Shadows and AO setting generates more strongly color-saturated shadows.
- The Background image can now be tilted.
- The Background image may now be synchronized with your model's rotation.
- Vector Displacement map export quality has been improved.
- UV Offset has been added in the Preferences palette's Export options for use with Vector Displacement.
- .EXR File format has been added for Vector Displacement maps.
- GoZ now supports Maya 2013 and Luxology modo 601. (Note: modo 601 on OSX requires a manual update when importing a model.)
GoZ現在支援Maya 2013和Luxology modo 601。
(Note: modo 601 on OSX requires a manual update when importing a model.)
(Note: modo 601 on OSX requires a manual update when importing a model.)
- XPose now displays the SubTools as a contact sheet.
- Improved notification when saving large projects. (2Gb to 4Gb)
- New SubTool commands Delete All and Delete Other help to quickly clean your projects.
- Improved overall Projection speed.
- ZBrush preferences settings are now stored in a Public folder for improved permissions compatibility with Windows and Mac.
- The location of the ZBrush virtual memory/cache files can now be changed, providing performance improvements on systems where the system drive is not the computer's fastest drive or is running low on disk space.
- New ZScript commands have been added, mainly to manage the SubTools.
ZClassroom Video Additions
Insert Mesh Videos:
- Curve Insert Mesh Intro
- Curve Insert Mesh Basics
- Curve Insert Mesh Triparts
- Curve Insert Mesh Triparts Weld Part 1
- Curve Insert Mesh Triparts Weld Part 2
- Grid Image Plane Reference Creature part 1 of 4
- Slice Curve Insert Mesh Creature Part 2 of 4
- Insert Mesh Replacement Creature 3 of 4
- Insert Mesh Replacement Creature 4 of 4
Access these videos here: Insert Mesh Videos:
- QRemesher Introduction
- QRemesher Guides
- QRemesher Local Remesh
Access these Videos here: QRemesher Videos:
Tutorial (PDF) Downloads
Insert Mesh Videos: Insert
- Curve Insert Mesh Intro
- Curve Insert Mesh Basics
- Curve Insert Mesh Triparts
- Curve Insert Mesh Triparts Weld Part 1
- Curve Insert Mesh Triparts Weld Part 2
- Grid Image Plane Reference Creature part 1 of 4
- Slice Curve Insert Mesh Creature Part 2 of 4
- Insert Mesh Replacement Creature 3 of 4
- Insert Mesh Replacement Creature 4 of 4
- QRemesher Introduction
- QRemesher Guides
- QRemesher Local Remesh
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