【Red Giant】Trapcode Form 2.0

Make any 3D form imaginable.
還記得Red Giant發佈的3D粒子外掛程式Form嗎?它可以用來製作液體、複雜的幾何圖形、幾何學結構和渦線動畫…更能將其他層作為貼圖,運用不同參數創造無止境的獨特設計。很高興向大家介紹更強大震撼的Form 2.0。

Trapcode Form 2.0 能創造出任何想像的3D形式,像字溶解成沙、標誌起火、爆炸成粒狀。Form 2.0沿襲Form 1.1的美,同時增加支援許多驚人的3D的特效,更特別的是能夠控制有機形狀,通過導入的OBJ模型及OBJ文件序列,將帶給您無限的3D可能性。
What's New
•使3D模型及3D序列支援After Effects的OBJ



•全層地圖支持,提供控制粒子的大小、旋轉和顏色的animation control

Unlimited 3D possibilities with OBJ import What's New in Trapcode Form 2
Super-powered by Particular 2 Getting Started with Trapcode Form 2
Your recipe for original organic shapes Using Layer Maps tutorial in Trapcode Form
Adobe After Effects的兼容性
Host OS After Effects CS4 After Effects CS5 After Effects CS5.5

Mac OS X 10.6

Mac Intel OS X 10.5

Windows 7 64-bit

Windows 7 32-bit



Windows Vista 64-bit

Windows Vista 32-bit



Windows XP



歡迎洽詢代理商朕宏國際 02-2897-6878 / sales@gemhorn.com