Craft Animation Tools:內建交通載具Craft Animation Tools,創造更真實,並從Craft Director Tools加入四種複雜的攝影機運動,是接近真實世界的設定。
強,更一致性的F-Curve編輯器:享受在Autodesk® 3ds Max® Entertainment Creation Suites 2012中每個軟體的f-curve編輯器與其它工具所結合的更一致性功能。
Single-Step Suites整合能力: 與Autodesk® 3ds Max® Entertainment Creation Suites 2012之間的產品做Single-Step的整合能力。
HumanIK Enhancements: Working with characters is now easier in both Maya 2012 and MotionBuilder 2012, with an enhanced interface and unified solver for HumanIK® technology (formerly implemented as FBIK in Maya).