What Is XMesh?什麼是XMesh?
What Is XMesh MX?什麼是XMesh MX?
而XMesh MX是內建於XMesh工具組,安裝在3ds Max上。它由一個Commercial Saver外掛(XMesh shaver MX)藉由MAXScript的介面來處理場景和儲存XMesh files,還有一個free loader外掛(XMesh Loader MX)用來loading。XMesh saver的使用者介面是內嵌在MAXScript中。
Is It New And Untested?這是一個還未測試的新技術嗎?
不,XMesh MX已經從2006年就在各種VFX工作流程當中測試過了,花了六年的時間來準備在2012年來發佈。
Does XMesh Support Other 3D Applications?XMesh支援哪些3D軟體?
目前版本只支援3ds Max的Loader和Saver,而內嵌於Maya和Softimage的saver和loader的Beta版本也正在研發。
What Are The Advantages Of XMesh?XMesh有哪些進階功能?
XMesh MX有以下不同於3ds Max PointCache修改器的進階功能:
- Support for changing topology.
- Support for changing / animated mesh data channels other than vertex list - the complete mesh definition including Smoothing Groups, Material ID assignments and all 100 Mapping Channels can be saved and re-loaded.
- Smaller disk footprint for similar data thanks to built-in compression.
- Smart data referencing when data remains unchanging between frames.
- Human-readable XML Header Files can include additional information like Bounding Box and Scale as well as arbitrary Metadata.
XMesh MX有以下不同於Mesh caching的進階功能:
- Support for pre-calculated Velocity channel with various loading-time interpolation modes.
- Direct support for Thinking Particles velocities acquisition.
- Optional saving of multiple objects as one in World space, as multiple sequences in World or Object space.
- Support for all 100 mapping channels.
- Support for alternative (Proxy) sequence saving and loading for viewport display including built in save-time optimization.
- Additional simplified viewport display modes including Bounding Box, Percent of Vertices and Percentage of Faces.
- Direct support for both sequential and parallel processing of a single sequence on Deadline.
- Multiple files per frame data storage allows the direct referencing of data channels and even the manual editing of XMesh XML Header Files for deeper TD access.
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