適應您日益增加的需求,於CINEMA 4D上能有更好的圖像輸出,finalRender系統是您最好的選擇。
更多的渲染功能finalRender Stage-2 for CINEMA 4D 比起以往多了150%的渲染力量,而且License 模式調整到支援10個處理器,不論是本機或是分散式算圖模式。
finalRender Stage-2 for CINEMA 4D以支援64位元操作系統,以及全新的處理器科技!
finalRender Stage-2 for CINEMA 4D以支援64位元操作系統,以及全新的處理器科技!
- Windows XP / Intel or AMD
- CINEMA 4D Release 9.101-11
- Or Windows 64-Bit Optional
- Minimum 512MB RAM
- Network Card and TCP/IP Protocol
- One Time Internet Access
- Latest Intel PENTIUM 4 HT Optimized Hyper Threading Code
- Standalone Rendering System with full control of Scene Database
- "On Demand" Loading/Unloading of Geometry
- 64-Bit Ready
- Fast Raytraced Shadows
- True Caustic Light Rendering with extended Energy Control
- Fast Area Shadows
- Optimized GI code with Advanced Caching Technology
- 3D UltraBlur™ Algorithm for fast Blurry Renderings
- Highly Optimized true 3D Motion Blur
- Photoreal Area Light types
- True Geometry Based Direct Light Sources
- True Geometry Based Indirect Light Sources
- A full set of Advanced Camera Types (Fisheye, Panorama ...)
- Physical Correct DOF Raytracing
- Wavelength based Dispersion Rendering Model
- Advanced and Highly Optimized Shading SDK
- Full support of OpenEXR bitmap format
- Support for many original CINEMA 4D materials and shaders