Autodesk Maya 2012 Hotfix 2 下載

Mental ray Satellite 更新:
Maya 2012 現在包括四個 mental ray Satellite 網路渲染許可,允許您最多免費使用四台從屬電腦(每台電腦最多使用四個處理器,內核數量不限)來進行 mental ray 網路渲染。
注意:Maya 2012 説明將 Satellite 許可數錯誤地列為 8。Maya 2012 中可用的正確 Satellite 許可數為 4。
錯誤編號 說明
374184 Goal issue when using a straight curve
379526 Render target recursively filter renders
380975 Load render pass doesn't work when project is on network share
381943 Shadow artifacts occurs with large differences in object size
382170 Connecting luminance node to bump channel of mental ray shader causes crash
382221 UNC path bookmarks are not saved in new filebrowser
382758 Final gather map visualization not working
384017 Painting blendshapes problems
384043 Wacom tablet not working correctly in mouse mode
384291 dagContainer collapses at every DAG operation
384302 Unpredictable results referencing HIK characters
384314 Creating Framebuffer with a Geometry shader causes a crash
384392 Joint orient channels not accepting setAttr correctly
384523 Graph editor: cannot view multiple f-curves on a character set
385368 Polysplit crash
385417 Metacarpal fingers not created when creating HIK control rig
385873 Pinning an effector is causing the pivot display to jump
380473 Missing manipulator handles in perspective view
375080 Adaptive sampling gives lower shading quality in framebuffers
380236 mia_material_x preset 'Satined Metal' renders differently
380322 Scenes with dense final gather settings may have longer render time
380847 Render with mental ray errors with multi-shape polygons
382154 HIK: Shift+LMB does not allow for selection of keys on timeline if HIK in scene
383833 New option in move tool broken
Maya 2012 Hotfix 2 Downloads
Windows 32-bit (msp - 69972Kb)
Windows 64-bit (msp - 84808Kb)
Linux 64-bit (tgz - 892339Kb)
Mac OS X (dmg - 1050864Kb)
mental ray Satellite Downloads
Windows 32-bit (exe - 15641Kb)
Windows 64-bit (exe - 18093Kb)
Linux 64-bit (tgz - 14822Kb)
Mac OS X (dmg - 26637Kb)
mental ray Standalone Downloads
Windows 32-bit (exe - 60481Kb)
Windows 64-bit (exe - 67677Kb)
Linux 64-bit (tgz - 126851Kb)
Mac OS X (dmg - 152216Kb)
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